The Commission has recently completed an analysis of its water metering system. It has been recommended that the Commission proceed with the implementation of a modified Advanced Metering Infrastructure system. This system will replace all of our current endpoints and a portion of the Commission's...
Construction of a new 1,600 GPM sewer lift station, 11,000 LF of 16" Force Main and 4,600 LF of 12" Force Main. This will divert flows from the Pelion/SC 6 Corridor and the Bluefield Pump Station to the proposed 24" Gravity Sewer along Old Orangeburg Road.
Upgrades necessary at the Calks Ferry Road Booster Pump Station to increase flows to southern part of the system and the potential modifications to the hydraulic grade line in the area.
This project will consist of the construction of a 2-million gallon elevated storage tank at the intersection of Charter Oak Road and Highway #1. Master Plan Project #7 Augusta Highway Elevated Storage Tank.
Construction of approximately 15,000 linear feet of twenty-four (24) inch water main and associated appurtenances along Wise Ferry/Hermitage/Augusta Highway. Master Plan Project #5 Water Main Improvements Along Wise Ferry Road, Hermitage Road and Augusta Highway.
System rehabilitation of water service line replacement in Land of the Lakes subdivision.
Upgrades to existing pump station to include new pumps and increased wetwell capacity.
These will be upgrades completed on an as-needed basis to various lift stations throughout the Commission’s system to meet both current and future needs. This may include upgrades to new developer related pump stations. This included the current upgrade to Lexington Hills Lift Stations to include...