Schedule of Rates


Rates Effective 07/01/2024

Account Maintenance Fees (According to Meter Size)


Meter Size Water Only Fee Sewer Only Fee Two Services
¾" $ 10.86 $ 14.56 $ 25.42
1" $ 23.81 $ 31.98 $ 55.79
1 ¼" $ 44.72 $ 60.95 $ 105.67
1 ½" $ 44.72 $ 60.95 $ 105.67
2" $ 70.51 $ 95.65 $ 166.16
3" $ 138.23 $ 188.33 $ 326.56
4" $ 214.34 $ 292.59 $ 506.93
6" $ 425.21 $ 582.24 $ 1,007.45
8" $ 679.30 $ 929.81 $ 1,609.11









Volume Charges per Thousand Gallons for Water/Sewer

  Water Charge Sewer Charge
Residential $6.14 $8.01 / $80.10 max for sewer
    (Max 10,000 gallons)
Commercial $6.28 $8.01
Industrial $5.82 $7.74


Cross Connection Control

Backflow Installation Fee (New meter set only)

Backflow Protection Fee (Residential - per month)




Fire Protection Charges
Hydrant Fee (Residential - per month) $5.00
Hydrant Fee (Commercial - per on-site hydrant per month) $5.00
Sprinkler Heads (per sprinkler head - maximum charge of 500 heads) $0.40
Fire Line Connection Charge per inch $1,000.00
Dedicated Fireline (Hydrant only) $2,000.00


New Account Setup
Meter Installation Fee  $                   300.00
Backflow Installation Fee (New meter set only)  $                   225.00
New Customer Setup Fee  $                     25.00
Security Deposit - Residential $50 min. - $150 max.
Security Deposit - Commercial  $                     75.00
Meter Reset Fee  $                   300.00


Residential Tap Fees   
For 3/4" service with one meter
Total Connection Fees  
Water (including Tap installation charge) $3,087.00
(Tap already made):
Sewer $4,000.00
See Engineering for Commerical  


Amenities Centers
Neighborhoods under 250 lots - 3 REU's: $6,900.00
Neighborhoods over 250 lots - 4 REU's: $9,000.00
Neighborhood Irrigation Meters  
First meter 3/4" or 1" $4,800.00

See Engineering for all others