Drinking Water Monitoring Program

Dedicated to Protecting You   

Your water is tested on a weekly basis at numerous sites throughout the water distribution system to ensure that the Commission is providing the safest possible drinking water to you.  Approximately seventy three thousand tests are performed every year at each water treatment facility to ensure the drinking water quality for the Commission’s customers.  The Commission issues a Water Quality Report each year with detailed information on regulated detections.  

Our system also samples for a series of unregulated contaminants.  Unregulated contaminants are those that don’t yet have a drinking water standard set by EPA.  The purpose of monitoring for these contaminants is to help EPA decode whether the contaminants should have a standard.  As our customer, you have a right to know that this data is available. 

Should you need additional information on your water quality please contact our Customer Service Department at 803-359-8373.

Water Quality Reports