How can I prevent sewer back-ups?

“FOG” (Fats, Oils and Grease) prevention is what we call it.  Cooking grease poured down the drain can block sewer pipelines when it congeals and cause sewer backups and overflow into the environment, and into your home.  Follow these steps to help with “FOG”

  1. Never pour fats, oils or cooking grease down the sink or garbage disposal.
  2. Pour excess grease into a container with a tight fitting lid and dispose of in your household garbage.  Wipe the remaining grease from the pan with a scraper or paper towel.
  3. Place baskets/strainers in sink drains to catch food scraps and other solids, and empty into the trash for disposal.
  4. Place food scraps in appropriate waste containers rather than into the drain or garbage disposal.

More information on our “FOG” program.